
I don't know why all of my art lately is falling into the strange category. Could be the little one growing inside me & all the weird pregnancy dreams I've been having or the feeling of fairy-tales & adventures to be had not far in the future. It makes me want to create these quirky characters, half human, half animal....all magic. Perhaps I'll doodle some tonight & see what evolves. Hope your weekend has been nothing short of wonderful!

love + luck + bliss,



So much of what is a part of me is watching, observing....soaking in all of the precious moments of life. The simple things. Now, I am watching, waiting once again; for I am expecting. So much of life is appreciated by children. The world opens itself up to them & they see it for what it is......magic.

My son is ten years old so there will be quite a jump between the two, but I think it's a good thing. My son had me all to himself for ten years (& he had me in my prime LOL). So, as my body gets used to the changes, I hope to spend more time documenting, observing.....& expecting ;~)